

Archive of announcements
RFBR–Iran 2017 Competition for Basic Research Projects in Association with   the Iran National Science Foundation
RFBR–Iran 2017 Competition for Basic Research Projects in Association with the Iran National Science Foundation Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 15 June 2016 End: 12 September 2016

Competition for basic research projects in association with the RFBR and the Iran National Science Foundation

The competition aims to enhance international cooperation in basic research and provide financial support for joint basic research projects of Russia and Iran.

The competition only allows basic research projects mutually agreed upon by the private individuals on part of Russia and Iran. The private individuals on part of Russia and Iran need to agree upon the content and title of research and submit it to the competition: Russian participants – to the RFBR, Iranian – to the INSF.

The project title in English must be identical in the proposals of Russian and Iranian participants.

Russia–France 2017: Research in the priority fields involving French research institutions and universities
Russia–France 2017: Research in the priority fields involving French research institutions and universities Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 2 June 2016 End: 30 June 2016

Start: June 2, 2016

End: June 30, 2016

Submission deadline: May 26, 2016 – June 30, 2016

Program time frame: January 11, 2017 – December 31, 2019


Competition for projects aimed at research in the priority fields involving French research institutions and universities

The competition is held as part of the Partnership Program name after Hubert Curien – A. N. Kholmogorov in association with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development of the French Republic, and the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research of the French Republic


  • climate studies – terrestrial and marine environment (physical oceanography, marine biology, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, impact of climate change, adaptation of agriculture and forestry);
  • medicine (infectious and neurodegenerative diseases, non-communicable chronic diseases); 
  • engineering sciences (catalysis, energy storage, energy systems efficiency, high-performance computing); 
  • photonics technologies; micro- and nanosystems engineering; 
  • bioinformatics

For additional information, please contact the

International Offices of ̳ (Department of International Scientific and External Economic Relations):

195220, Saint-Petersburg, Grazhdansky pr., 28, Academic Building No 15, room 205, tel. 324-0644

ss.antonov@spbstu.ru, k.belyaevskaya@spbstu.ru, anton.evdokimov@spbstu.ru

Russia–Germany 2016: Joint research by Russian and German universities
Russia–Germany 2016: Joint research by Russian and German universities Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 2 June 2016 End: 30 June 2016

Submission deadline: May 26, 2016 – June 27, 2016

Submission deadline: November 27, 2016 – December 29, 2017

Competition for projects aimed at joint research by Russian and German universities


  • new materials for energy efficiency; 
  • biomedicine. 

Nota Bene:
For additional information, please contact the International Offices of ̳ (Department of International Scientific and External Economic Relations):

195220, Saint-Petersburg, Grazhdansky pr., 28, Academic Building No 15, room 205, tel. 324-0644
ss.antonov@spbstu.ru, k.belyaevskaya@spbstu.ru, anton.evdokimov@spbstu.ru

RFBR – 2017 (Seminars): Organization of International Scientific Seminars on Molecular Biology
RFBR – 2017 (Seminars): Organization of International Scientific Seminars on Molecular Biology Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 3 September 2016

The competition for projects on the organization of international scientific seminars on molecular biology in Russia is held in association with the RFBR and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).

Competition objective: organization of interaction between Russian and foreign scientists in the form of scientific seminars with the purpose of creating conditions for long-term cooperation in basic research in the field of molecular biology.

The competition supports projects on the organization of international scientific seminars held in the Russian Federation in 2017 and dealing with fundamental research in molecular biology.

One proposal is submitted to the RFBR, while an identical one should be submitted to the EMBO via the. For additional information on the EMBO requirements to proposals, rules of financing, and project completion reports, please visit the .

Contact person at the EMBO: Anne-Marie Glynn, Programme Manager, tel.: + 49 6221 8891 104; e-mail:courses_workshops@embo.org

Project title must be identical in the proposals submitted to the RFBR and the EMBO and correspond to the title of the seminar.

Proposal submission: 01.06.2016 – 01.08.2016(printed copy – until 17.00 MSK 18.08.2016)

Announcement of results: Fourth quarter of 2016

Russia–South Ossetia 2017: international competition in association with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of South Ossetia
Russia–South Ossetia 2017: international competition in association with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of South Ossetia Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 15 September 2016

The RHSF has announced the following international competition for joint research projects in 2017 with the aim to enhance international scientific cooperation in the field of humanities: RHSF – Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of South Ossetia

Competition for joint research projects in the fields 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, project types "a(m)", "g(m)".

General classifier: <

  • 01 – history; archeology; ethnography;
  • 02 – economics;
  • 03 – philosophy; sociology; political science; law; science studies;
  • 04 – philology; art history;
  • 06 – comprehensive human studies; psychology; pedagogy; social problems of human health and ecology;
  • 07 – global problems and international relations.
Russia–Shanghai (China) 2017: international competition in association with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Russia–Shanghai (China) 2017: international competition in association with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 15 September 2016

The RHSF has announced the following international competition for joint research projects in 2017 with the aim to enhance international scientific cooperation in the field of humanities: RHSF – Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

Competition for joint research projects in the fields 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, project type "a(m)".

General classifier:

  • 01 – history; archeology; ethnography; 
  • 02 – economics; 
  • 03 – philosophy; sociology; political science; law; science studies; 
  • 04 – philology; art history; 
  • 06 – comprehensive human studies; psychology; pedagogy; social problems of human health and ecology; 
  • 07 – global problems and international relations.
Russia–France 2017: international competition in association with the House of Human Sciences, France
Russia–France 2017: international competition in association with the House of Human Sciences, France Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 15 September 2016

The RHSF has announced the following international competition for joint research projects in 2017 with the aim to enhance international scientific cooperation in the field of humanities: RHSF – House of Human Sciences Foundation, France

Competition for joint research projects in the fields 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, project types "a(m)", "g(m)".

General classifier:

  • 01 – history; archeology; ethnography; 
  • 02 – economics; 
  • 03 – philosophy; sociology; political science; law; science studies; 
  • 04 – philology; art history; 
  • 06 – comprehensive human studies; psychology; pedagogy; social problems of human health and ecology; 
  • 07 – global problems and international relations.
Russia–Taiwan 2017: international competition in association with the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Russia–Taiwan 2017: international competition in association with the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 15 September 2016

Start: June 1, 2016

End: September 15, 2016

Submission deadline: June 1, 2016 – September 12, 2016

Program time frame: January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2018

Website: http://www.rfh.ru/index.php/ru/konkursy/mezhdunarodnye-konkursy/534-objavlenie-o-mezhdunarodnyh-konkursah-rossijskogo-gumanitarnogo-nauchnogo-fonda-2017-goda

The Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan propose the following priority themes for the joint international competition:

  1. Health economics and management;
  2. Financial market and regulatory documents;
  3. Immigration and ethnic relations: local and global aspects;
  4. The problem of generations and family relationships in an aging society;
  5. Shifting balance of power in East Asia.
Russia–Mongolia 2017: international competition in association with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia
Russia–Mongolia 2017: international competition in association with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 15 September 2016

The RHSF has announced the following international competition for joint research projects in 2017 with the aim to enhance international scientific cooperation in the field of humanities: RHSF – Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia

Competition for joint research projects in the fields 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, project types "a(m)", "g(m)", "e(m)".

General classifier:

  • 01 – history; archeology; ethnography; 
  • 02 – economics; 
  • 03 – philosophy; sociology; political science; law; science studies; 
  • 04 – philology; art history; 
  • 06 – comprehensive human studies; psychology; pedagogy; social problems of human health and ecology; 
  • 07 – global problems and international relations.
Russia–China 2017: international competition in association with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Russia–China 2017: international competition in association with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 15 September 2016

The RHSF has announced the following international competition for joint research projects in 2017 with the aim to enhance international scientific cooperation in the field of humanities: RHSF – Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Competition for joint research projects in the fields 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, project type "a(m)".

Please note that in this competition, the applications submitted to the RHSF and the CASS should be signed by both Russian and Chinese co-leaders.

General classifier: 

  • 01 – history; archeology; ethnography;
  • 02 – economics;
  • 03 – philosophy; sociology; political science; law; science studies;
  • 04 – philology; art history;
  • 06 – comprehensive human studies; psychology; pedagogy; social problems of human health and ecology;
  • 07 – global problems and international relations.
Russia–Vietnam 2017: international competition in association with the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences
Russia–Vietnam 2017: international competition in association with the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 15 September 2016

The RHSF has announced the following international competition for joint research projects in 2017 with the aim to enhance international scientific cooperation in the field of humanities: RHSF – Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences

Competition for joint research projects in the fields 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, project types "a(m)", "g(m)", "e(m)".

General classifier:

  • 01 – history; archeology; ethnography;
  • 02 – economics;
  • 03 – philosophy; sociology; political science; law; science studies;
  • 04 – philology; art history;
  • 06 – comprehensive human studies; psychology; pedagogy; social problems of human health and ecology;
  • 07 – global problems and international relations.
Russia–Hungary 2017: international competition in association with the Foundation for Russian Language and Culture, Hungary
Russia–Hungary 2017: international competition in association with the Foundation for Russian Language and Culture, Hungary Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 15 September 2016

The RHSF has announced the following international competition for joint research projects in 2017 with the aim to enhance international scientific cooperation in the field of humanities: RHSF – Foundation for Russian Language and Culture, Hungary

Competition for joint research projects in the fields 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, project types "a(m)", "g(m)".

Please note that in this competition, the total number of participants (including the research advisor) in an "a(m)" project should not exceed 10 people.

General classifier: 

  • 01 – history; archeology; ethnography;
  • 02 – economics;
  • 03 – philosophy; sociology; political science; law; science studies;
  • 04 – philology; art history;
  • 06 – comprehensive human studies; psychology; pedagogy; social problems of human health and ecology;
  • 07 – global problems and international relations.
Russia–Bulgaria 2017: international competition in association with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Russia–Bulgaria 2017: international competition in association with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 15 September 2016

The RHSF has announced the following international competition for joint research projects in 2017 with the aim to enhance international scientific cooperation in the field of humanities: RHSF – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Competition for joint research projects in the fields 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, project types "a(m)", "g(m)", "e(m)". 
Please note that in this competition, the total number of participants (including the research advisor) in an "a(m)" project should not exceed 10 people.

General classifier: 

  • 01 – history; archeology; ethnography;
  • 02 – economics;
  • 03 – philosophy; sociology; political science; law; science studies;
  • 04 – philology; art history;
  • 06 – comprehensive human studies; psychology; pedagogy; social problems of human health and ecology;
  • 07 – global problems and international relations.
Russia–Belarus 2017: international competition in association with the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research
Russia–Belarus 2017: international competition in association with the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 15 September 2016

The RHSF has announced the following international competitions for joint research projects in 2017 with the aim to enhance international scientific cooperation in the field of humanities: RHSF – Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (BRFFR)

1. Competition for joint research projects in the fields 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, project types "a(m)", "g(m)", "e(m)". <

2. Joint competition for the projects of Russian and Belarusian young scientists in the fields 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, project type "a2(m)". This competition aims to support independent scientific research conducted by the joint effort of the young scientists of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus in order to attract more young talents, further encourage efficient scientific cooperation, and improve the quality of personnel training.

General classifier: 

  • 01 – history; archeology; ethnography;
  • 02 – economics;
  • 03 – philosophy; sociology; political science; law; science studies;
  • 04 – philology; art history;
  • 06 – comprehensive human studies; psychology; pedagogy; social problems of human health and ecology;
  • 07 – global problems and international relations.
Russia–Abkhazia 2017: international competition in association with the Academy of Sciences of Abkhazia
Russia–Abkhazia 2017: international competition in association with the Academy of Sciences of Abkhazia Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 15 September 2016

The RHSF has announced the following international competition for joint research projects in 2017 with the aim to enhance international scientific cooperation in the field of humanities: RHSF – Academy of Sciences of Abkhazia (ASA) 

Competition for joint research projects in the fields 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, project types "a(m)", "g(m)", "e(m)". 

General classifier: 

  • 01 – history; archeology; ethnography;
  •  02 – economics;
  •  03 – philosophy; sociology; political science; law; science studies;
  •  04 – philology; art history;
  •  06 – comprehensive human studies; psychology; pedagogy; social problems of human health and ecology;
  •  07 – global problems and international relations.

Complex protection of informatization objects
Complex protection of informatization objects Conference
Start: 1 June 2016 End: 5 June 2016
We would like to invite you to take part in the All-Russian conference with international participation "Complex Protection of Informatization Objects" (CPIO).
International polytechnic week 2016
International polytechnic week 2016 International activities
Start: 23 May 2016 End: 27 May 2016

We have a great pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Forum “International Polytechnic Week 2016” at our University.


The conference “Breakthrough technologies of the 21st century and their transformative power on the existing industrial structure and socioeconomic realm»
The conference “Breakthrough technologies of the 21st century and their transformative power on the existing industrial structure and socioeconomic realm» Conference
Start: 18 May 2016 End: 20 May 2016
We would like to invite you to take part  in the conference “Breakthrough technologies of the 21st century and their transformative power on the existing industrial structure and socioeconomic realm»
International scientific conference "The Arctic: history and modernity"
International scientific conference "The Arctic: history and modernity" Conference
Start: 20 April 2016 End: 21 April 2016
20-21 April 2016 Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University in cooperation with the St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of History of Science and Technology named after S.I. Vavilov, affiliated with the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academy of Sciences of the Arctic community and the St. Petersburg Council of Peace and Accord holds the International scientific conference "The Arctic: history and modernity".