

Archive of announcements
Webinar: Russian language courses and foundation programs based on great long-term experience
Webinar: Russian language courses and foundation programs based on great long-term experience International activities
Start: 7 April 2017
Register for the webinar and get access to the useful information about all Russian language studies and foundation programs.
Webinar: Extensive International Polytechnic Summer School 2017 is welcoming you!
Webinar: Extensive International Polytechnic Summer School 2017 is welcoming you! International activities
Start: 5 April 2017
Webinar: Extensive International Polytechnic Summer School 2017 is welcoming you!
Seminar: Embarking upon the long & lonely PhD journey …
Seminar: Embarking upon the long & lonely PhD journey … International activities
Start: 20 March 2017
The seminar is designed for PhD candidates in early stages of research and for anyone considering a PhD in the future.
Webinar: Master’s degree programs in English for international students
Webinar: Master’s degree programs in English for international students International activities
Start: 10 March 2017 End: 10 March 2017
Experts and program coordinators of ̳ are going to present Master’s degree programs to international students and answer all relevant questions
Presentation of student exchange programs at ̳
Presentation of student exchange programs at ̳ International activities
Start: 9 March 2017
International academic mobility department organizes presentation of student exchange programs at ̳ partner universities. The presentation will be held in English.
How to apply and admission procedures for international students
How to apply and admission procedures for international students International activities
Start: 7 March 2017 End: 7 March 2017
Admission experts of ̳ are going to tell an explain how to apply to ̳ and give some insights into admission procedure.
August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professor Program at Technical University of Munich
August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professor Program at Technical University of Munich Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 17 February 2017 End: 7 April 2017
Technical University of Munich launches call for proposals for the August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professor Program.
European Study Group with Industry ЕSGI 123
European Study Group with Industry ЕSGI 123 Conference
Start: 26 October 2016 End: 28 October 2016
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University will host the European Study Group with Industry ЕSGI 123 on October 24-28, 2016. The event will be held under the aegis of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, (ECMI) –), which ̳ is a member of.
International conference "Technological perspective within the Eurasian space, new markets and economic growth points"
International conference "Technological perspective within the Eurasian space, new markets and economic growth points" Conference
Start: 20 October 2016 End: 22 October 2016
We are pleased to invite You to participate at the International conference "Technological perspective within the Eurasian space, new markets and economic growth points" to be held 20-22 October, 2016 in Saint Petersburg:
Modern high-performance technology and tools in ma-chine-building industry (MTET-2016)
Modern high-performance technology and tools in ma-chine-building industry (MTET-2016) Conference
Start: 6 October 2016 End: 8 October 2016
We would like to invite you to take part  in the V International Scientific and Technical Conference «MODERN HIGH-PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGY AND TOOLS IN MA-CHINE-BUILDING INDUSTRY» (MTET-2016)
The III International Educational Forum Altai–Asia 2016: Eurasian Educational Space – New Challenges and Best Practices
The III International Educational Forum Altai–Asia 2016: Eurasian Educational Space – New Challenges and Best Practices Education
Start: 22 September 2016 End: 23 September 2016
The III International Educational Forum “Altai–Asia 2016: Eurasian Educational Space – New Challenges and Best Practices” will take place on September 22-23, 2016, at Altai State University.
Network International Conference “Interdisciplinarity in Engineering Education: Global Trends and Management Concepts – SYNERGY”
Network International Conference “Interdisciplinarity in Engineering Education: Global Trends and Management Concepts – SYNERGY” Conference
Start: 11 July 2016 End: 13 July 2016
Start: July 11, 2016
End: July 13, 2016
Venue: Irkutsk, Listvyanka settlement (Lake Baikal), Irkutsk National Research Technical University (INRTU)
The conference “Computer Modeling-2016”
The conference “Computer Modeling-2016” Conference
Start: 4 July 2016 End: 5 July 2016
The conference is to be  held  on 5-6 July, 2016 in Peter the Great  St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
International Multiconference "Network Partnership in Science, Industry, and Education"
International Multiconference "Network Partnership in Science, Industry, and Education" Conference
Start: 4 July 2016 End: 6 July 2016
We would like to invite you to take part in the International Multiconference "Network Partnership in Science, Industry, and Education" dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Synergy international university network project
Start: 30 June 2016 End: 1 July 2016
We would like to invite you to take part in the Vth international conference "MODERN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING:  SCIENCE AND EDUCATION"
Vth international conference «MODERN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: SCIENCE AND EDUCATION – 2016» Conference
Start: 30 June 2016 End: 1 July 2016
We would like to invite you to take part in the Vth international conference «MODERN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: SCIENCE AND EDUCATION – 2016» (MMESE-2016)
Symposium with international participation "System Biology and Bioinformatics"
Symposium with international participation "System Biology and Bioinformatics" Conference
Start: 29 June 2016 End: 1 July 2016
We invite you to participate in a symposium with international participation "System Biology and Bioinformatics" 30 June - 2 July 2016.
International Scientific-Technical Conference Nanotechnologies of Functional Materials  (NFM'16)
International Scientific-Technical Conference Nanotechnologies of Functional Materials (NFM'16) Conference
Start: 21 June 2016 End: 25 June 2016
We would like to invite you to take part  in the conference “Nanotechnologies of Functional Materials (NFM'16)”.
Airbus launches the fifth Fly Your Ideas global student challenge
Airbus launches the fifth Fly Your Ideas global student challenge Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 16 June 2016 End: 31 August 2016
For the fifth time, Airbus challenges students worldwide to innovate for the future of aviation by launching the latest Fly Your Ideas competition.
RFBR–Japan 2017 (Medicine) Competition of Basic Research Projects in Association with the Japan Medical Research Foundation
RFBR–Japan 2017 (Medicine) Competition of Basic Research Projects in Association with the Japan Medical Research Foundation Competitions. Programs. Grants
Start: 15 June 2016 End: 19 September 2016

Competition for basic research projects in association with the RFBR and the Japan Medical Research Foundation (JMRF)

The competition aims to enhance international cooperation in basic research and provide financial support for joint basic research projects of Russia and Japan.

The competition only allows basic research projects mutually agreed upon by the private individuals on part of Russia and Japan. The private individuals on part of Russia and Japan need to agree upon the content and title of research and submit it to the competition: Russian participants – to the RFBR, Japanese – to the JMRF.

The project title in English must be identical in the proposals of Russian and Japanese participants.

Competition themes (knowledge area (04) "Biology and Medical Sciences" of the RFBR classifier):

  1. Neurosciences
  2. Immunology and rheumatology
  3. Medical ecology
  4. Regenerative medicine and degenerative diseases.

Proposal submission deadline: 15.09.2016 (in electronic format via the KIAS system), 26.09.2016 in printed format to the RFBR
Proposal pendency deadline: First quarter of 2017
Project implementation period: 3 years (2017–2019)

Information for Japanese partners:

An identical proposal with an identical English title should be submitted to the Japanese Medical Research Foundation. For detailed information on proposal submission, requirements, and forms of competition documents, please contact the competition coordinator on part of Japan:
Mr.Ikuro Nakamura,
Secretary General,
Japan Medical Research Foundation (JMRF).
e-mail:. info@jmrf-nanbyou.org
tel.: +813-3580-8532

Potential partners:

Any other Japanese universities and scientific institutions are welcome to take part in the implementation of a joint project within the competition.

For detailed information on this and other competitions, please refer to the International Offices of ̳ (Department of International Scientific and External Economic Relations): tel. 8 (812) 324-06-44; e-mail: ss.antonov@spbstu.ru,k.belyaevskaya@spbstu.ru anton.evdokimov@spbstu.ru